
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles: they shall run, and not be weary: and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

I recently read a quote, “If it weren’t for stress, I’d have no energy at all.” Some days I wake up and I’m weary. I start the day tired, wondering where that tired came from. One thing I’ve started doing is to begin the day reading scripture. This is hard to do on a daily basis. Some days I just open the Bible, some days a scripture comes to mind. Some days I revisit a scripture I heard the previous week in worship or in my Sunday school class.

The scripture above is one I read on my devotional calendar. It was so right for me today, even in this hour. It’s 2 in the afternoon as I write this. You know that time in the afternoon when you’re ready for a break. I just finished off some thin mint Girl Scout cookies. If you’re gonna eat cookies, they might as well be thin mint Girl Scout cookies. . . . They Rock!

A friend of mine turned 8 this week. I can remember being 8 and especially in the summer being able to run for hours. I could play outside forever and never get tired. The scripture says they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength. Waiting on the Lord . . . at no time can I think of waiting for something and renewing my strength. Waiting is not generally a renewing exercise for me, in fact it makes me tired. So this waiting is going to look different and I’m gonna feel different. Maybe this waiting is like starting the day reading scripture and listening to God, not doing my thing alone, but really being engaged with God during the day and realizing that my strength today is going be be a gift from God. When I think about it, it all comes from God anyway, whether I am aware of it or not. So I should give God all my weariness, my impatience, my whole day, my whole life.

peace to you friends, . . . Celia

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