Greetings to all… I hope you are well and enjoying what you are doing in your life as much as I am in mine… since Ron left the local church, we have been traveling together, we’ve been able to spend a lot of time working and playing together… I’ve always felt fortunate to be married to my best friend… it’s wonderful to be out singing, meeting new folks, trying new songs, sharing stories; great also to be home… playing bad golf, eating out with friends, writing songs, go-carting with my favorite 6 year old friend… (she drives most of the ride and I hang on)…. catching a movie or 2, hanging out with Ron, having breakfast at my favorite bakery, I am blessed and overwhelmed with this great, scary, wild, surprising, slow when I allow it to be, crazy life.
…since October, I have really missed Michael Krumrey… it’s hard to play with someone for 5 years and not be flooded with memories… airports we were trapped in for layovers, songs that he played, his pretzel appreciation, listening to Phish and classical guitar, his smile… a few times I have called the new guys I go out with Mike… we both smile and know it’s just out of habit… when someone is gone it’s the remembering that counts… not to remember him or mention him would be very foreign… so here’s to Michael… your memory continues for those who knew you and loved you… may we all be remembered…
I have had the joy to be traveling with 2 great guys that are playing guitar with me…
David Flint has been in town for sometime .. he’s from New York state.. he’s been working in country music… he’s a writer, producer, does some recording session work on projects while he is in town…. he plays the guitar quite lovely… he’s helping me on a new recording I am working on… lots of sing alongs and new songs written since Walk Chalantly…
Thad Beaty is also traveling with me… he’s been working in Christian music… we are very blessed to have him in our camp… Thad’s from Mississippi and calls me ma’am, which is quite charming… he and I have also been writing and he’s been singing with me at some concerts… he is bringing back bed hair and does it so well… plays great, too
Both of these guys have great senses of humor and are fun to travel and be with, what more can you ask for on the road?… I look forward to our future together.. they’ll both be with us at Youth ‘99 and at several events this next year…. I feel lucky to have them with me… let’s just say I feel blessed…