There have been several weekends when I have come home from singing on the road and told my husband Ron about someone I met along the way. It has almost become a joke–he’ll say, “who’s your new best friend?” This past weekend is no exception.
I had the joy of being at Trinity UMC in Grand Island, NE… You betcha we had fun! While there I met a wonderful young lady who is so full of life and full of love to share. She is showing everyone she meets how to live life with a positive outlook. Within the first five minutes of our meeting, she was hugging me and telling me how much she loved Nashville and country music and Christian music. She hugged me like we grew up on the same block. Her smile comes from somewhere deep inside her, from a place most of us have forgotten about. I experienced a contagious joy while talking to her that was as genuine as any I have ever encountered. Sunday evening before the concert, she and I laughed so hard… I believe people wondered what we were up to. What got it started was that I commented as I looked over the banquet hall, “you know what I’d be doing if I were sitting at those tables? She asked, “what?” Quickly I said, “eating my dessert!” For some reason that got the ball rolling.
One of the reasons she and her husband are a vital part of their congregation is that they simply love people. When they hug you, there’s no doubt that you’ve been hugged. When they say they love you, they look you straight in your eyes and really mean it. When they share a compliment, it is so sincere that you know they are blessed by it more than you are.
Jesus spoke a word or two about living in the moment. Check out Matthew 6:33-34 But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own today’s trouble is enough for today.
How long has it been since you lost yourself in the moment, whether it was laughter or a hug or telling someone how you fell about them or a compliment? What’s really funny is that I see my truest self in those moments — when I let go and find myself swept away in the moment. I think what way special about these folks is that they lived in the moment. Do you know someone like that? Are you someone like that? I ran into that kind of life in Nebraska and I hope that I can love others around me with a portion of the passion and enthusiasm I received… to my new best friends.