Hey From Me: the art of eating ice cream…..
What is it about ice cream? As far back as I can remember, I’ve loved ice cream…. I can still remember the sound of the ice cream truck coming into our neighborhood… do you think I ever had my money ready and anticipated his arrival… it was an event every day… digging in my room… screaming to my mom… finding loose coins on my father’s dresser and claiming them as my ice cream money… I can remember racing after the truck…. what to have… so many choices… it came down to a few for me… fudgesicle… bananasicle… nutty butty…. every once in a while I’d get crazy and get a push-up… those were the days… eating ice cream in the heat of the summer…. slip-n-slide in my front yard… yummm…. and always ice cream was present at church dinners…. many times we’d have homemade ice cream…nothing quite like it… it was an event at our house… I’d have to say a celebrated event… I loved making ice cream and getting to crank the ice cream maker… to be in charge of adding more salt to the ice… I’d sneak a piece of salt to eat on my shift… man that ice cream was good…. and I guess more than the taste … those memories were good… there was something pure, genuine.. and real about those times… there are moments in each of our lives where goodness shines through… it is clear and present and no mistaking it…. a couple of weeks ago I was in Athens, TN… for a church revival….. evenings with the youth of the church… luncheons…. lots of singing… lots of good preaching… eating pot luck dinner… and oh did I mention … Athens is the home of Mayfield Ice Cream…. lots of ice cream…. moose tracks will set you free… this past Tues… it was Mayfield Day in downtown Athens… and anyone could get free ice cream between 11-2 pm. I showed up, stood in line and got me some free goodness… it was neat to see folks of all ages… sitting around trying out new ice cream flavors… it was friendly…. it was a hot summer day and that cool treat hit the spot… it was 2 scoops of moose tracks for me but more important it was 2 scoops of goodness…
…. while I’m on goodness… I was reminded at the revival of another goodness… in my life… God’s goodness… never runs out …. free to everyone…. it’s pure, genuine and real… all the time… through all things it’s something I can count on …. that’s something worth celebrating…hope you are enjoying the memories you are making this summer… and your days are filled with the goodness of this life… good friends… family … God’s love… and lots of ice cream… gotta go… just remembered I’ve got some vanilla bean in the freezer.. screaming my name.
scoop on brothers and sisters….